Puttin' On The Hitz
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
on friday you, can get blitzed
Talkin to Dave Hitz
if you work with nawaf and think he's a jerk
You May find that, it's the pits
Tell it to Dave Hitz
we all work from dawn to dusk at netapp
working hard to fix our burts in ontap
keyboards tap tap
programmers who still have their zits playing in
the pen are giving, H-R fits
messing with dave hitz
now he knows the netapp code of conduct stops
us getting pix, of big tits
Blame it on Dave Hitz
we're all sure we know we can't go far wrong
while we're at netapp we know we belong
play that ping pong
When you feel reorgs are causing you to reel
and also giv-ing you fits
Whining to dave hitz
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
on friday you, can get blitzed
Talkin to Dave Hitz
Last changed 7/9/03.
This page (including all images) Copyright (c) 2003 Dave