Leave No Trace Plan, Burning Man
About Our Camp
Camp Name: Object Of Worship
History, background: A group of experienced Burners forming a new theme camp
Estimated Population: 4-5 veterans, up to 4 virgins.
Nature and scale of our activities: Primary activity will be use of 3 dimensional printers to create ‘Objects of Worship’ based on objects provided by guests. This activity is not moopy. Other general activities will include camping, cooking and socializing. We do not anticipate large groups or any moopy activities.
As a camp we will:
Plan Ahead
Practice the 5 R’s: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restore, and Respect
Keep our camp clean before, during and after the event
Adopt the seven principles and practices of Leave No Trace at Burning Man
Do what is necessary to protect and restore the Black Rock Desert
Identify potential problems and issues that may arise
Create a strategy or plan for Leaving No Trace
We will educate all camp members about minimizing our impact on the playa
How we will organize for Leave No Trace
Our LNT leadership and structure: Our LNT coordinator is Igneouss. However, all members of camp are, and will be, equally responsible for LNT activities. All members will reduce potential moop while packing for the event. All members will monitor any activities that could potentially leave traces. Igneouss will manage on-going efforts and be responsible for the final sweep.
Rongo! Will supply tools (rakes etc). Igneouss and Rongo! will securely transport moop to appropriate off-site disposal after the event.
We hereby designate Igneouss as our Ambassador to the Black Rock Desert and leader of our Leave No Trace Team,: All camp members. Currently: Rongo!, Athena, Thor, Mercury.
The team will help plan our purchases, what we bring to the playa, and encourage us to reuse, recycle, reduce and restore our materials. They will think about how we and all of our stuff will get there and make it home again. The team will keep our camp clean and fun before, during and after the event and delegate and enlist help when it is needed.
They will be responsible for cleanup and trash management in our camp, including activities and parties we host. They will make sure that our gray water does not impact the playa. They will see that all camp members understand and agree with the policies and practices of Leave No Trace at Burning Man.
They will oversee daily tasks and will have a plan in place when we get ready to leave.
When it's time to break down and sweep our camp for every last trace. The Ambassador will make sure EVERYTHING left goes with us.
The Ambassador will encourage our participation in community line sweeps and restoration with our neighbors and DPW.
Igneouss, will oversee our camp breakdown and cleanup.
Our Commitment to Leave No Trace
To minimize our impact on the Playa, we will follow these rules: Before the event
During the event
After the event
We will be Good Neighbors
Here's how we’ll do it
Design our camp in a way that is easy to keep clean: Camp layout designed by Rongo! It will facilitate LNT activities. Fuel will be stored in safe containers off the ground. Absorbent paper towels available for minor spills.
Select materials and decorations for our camp that lessen waste and are recyclable or reusable:
Our camp will have minimal decorations. Those used will typically be ‘low moop’ potential.
Create a detailed
plan for the breakdown/cleanup of our camp, accounting for every
board, stake, and scrap, and pack necessary tools and supplies:
As a small camp, we expect to be able to easily account for all materials used during the event. Final inspection will be the responsibility of Igneouss.
Plan for extra cleanup and trash generated by activities and parties at our camp:
Contractor grade plastic bags will be easily available and deployed any time moop generating activities occur (parties, cooking, etc)
Have a plan for proper evaporation or disposal of our grey water, including containers to haul out what’s left:
All members know in advance that they are responsible for their own grey water. Cooking will be planned to greatly limit any required grey water generation. Showering/personal hygiene will be in an RV for 3 of our members with all grey water contained in the RV s tank. Remaining campers will generate small amounts of grey water that may be filtered and sprinkled in the road. Our possibly disposed of at a sister camp’s grey water tank (tbd).
Plan enough space and storage in our vehicles for trash hauling:
Vehicle space has been factored into our plan (by Rongo!). Trash hauling will be the responsibility of all campers with Igneouss and Rongo! taking responsibility for the final cleaning of the site and transport of any remaining moop. Space will be available in the final vehicle or trash.
Explain the ground rules to all camp members and post our LNT plan on our website.
This plan will be posted on our web site. www.menconi/oow
All members will be directed to read it prior to arrival.
Plan a secured trash separation station with signage and tags and plenty of heavy duty garbage bags
As a small camp, directing people to the trash receptacle will be no problem. Contractor grade trash bags will be supplied as needed.
will bring the following items for camp operations
Separate, sealed containers for recyclables, burnables, and non-burnables, a found bin and signage and tags.
Reusable dinnerware and utensils, including a portable beverage container and coffee cup for the Café
A large water container for camp water supplies (no small containers)
5-gallon bucket and painter’s mesh for wet kitchen scraps.
Containers for grey water disposal
Containers for smokers’ butts
Tarps or other floor covering to ‘catch’ any items that drop
We will bring the following items for our camp’s breakdown, clean-up and restoration
Big whiskbroom and push brooms
Flat blade shovel for burn scars or dune MOOP
Large landscape rake and smaller rakes for sweeping through dust piles
Stiff long handled broom for breaking up dunes
Rope and string for tying loose stuff down.
Small spare bags for collecting trash as we wander.
Lots on industrial strength trash bags: more than we think we'll need.
Cheap work gloves for everybody.
Long-handled sledgehammer for compacting 5-gallon buckets and driving stakes.
Vise grips for removing stakes and rebar.
Directions and hours of landfills and RV water dump stations
Magnets or magnet sweepers to remove every last nails, staples, scrap of metal.
Vehicles and/or trailers to haul everything out
Packing Out and Restoration of Our Site
We will take away everything we brought with us plus a few things we didn’t know we’d have.
Our restoration team will use cones on the outside of our camp’s border to define our boundaries, break up any dunes that formed around vehicles or structures, then divide up our area and begin line sweeps.
If we don’t have enough folks on our team to form one line across the site, we will break our space up into smaller areas and have each restoration volunteer deMoop their area.
We will pick up all woodchips, broken glass, plastic debris, metal debris, fire works and plant material.
We complete restoration of any hotspots (micro-MOOP collections), or burnscars.
We will try to give a helping hand to our neighbors
Black Rock Desert Restoration
We will each contribute at least 2 hours of community clean-up
We will pitch in with our fellow citizens and community service teams to restore the natural characteristics of the playa in our neighborhood, removing all burn scars, dunes, leftover debris, or other physical traces of our presence.
We will participate in DPW line sweeps and local restoration efforts.
We will volunteer for and support ecological protection and restoration of the Black Rock Desert