A dice game of cattle ranching and rustling.
To play, you'll need a bunch a 6 sided dice (you know, the normal kind). The dice should be of different colors (you'll need at least one color per player). Make sure that you have the same number of dice for each color! Other than that, you can use as many or as few dice as you like. I personally play with 8 colors, with 8 dice per color (for a hefty herd of 64 cows).
You'll also want a large, flat surface to play on (like a table), and you may want to get some trays to represent your gathered up cows or "stock".
COW: Each die represents a cow. The higher the number on the die, the more valuable the cow.
STUD: A very special die- this is the die you roll in order to get stuff done. Until the game ends, you will always have a stud.
BRAND: Each color represents a different brand. Whatever color your stud is represents your current brand.
HERD: This is the big clump of cows in the center of the board. The goal of the game is to collect cows from the herd and get them into your stock. The game ends when all the cows are gone from the herd.
STOCK: This is where you keep the cows you have rounded up. They are mostly safe once in your stock -- unless someone rolls a three and rustles your cattle...
SWISS STOCK: Cows you have put into Swiss Stock are unstealable, even by cattle rustlers. Unfortunately, the only way you can get cows from your regular Stock into Swiss Stock is by rolling a three, and even then you can only "swiss" cows of one "brand", or color. This gives you incentive to collect one brand.
Each turn, players roll their "stud", generating a number from 1 to 6 (duh!). You can then do different things based on what you rolled. The turn order is very important though- it goes from the LOWEST roll to the HIGHEST roll.
For example, a player that rolled a 1 goes before a player that rolled a 2. In the case of a tie, the YOUNGER player goes first (don't worry, age has it's advantages too). Once each player has gone (or chosen not to do anything), the turn is over and everyone rolls their stud again.
When the last cow has been taken from the herd, the game is over. Players who rolled a six may put the six in their stock. Everyone else must roll their stud one final time, and add it to their stock. Now each player adds up all the numbers in their regular and Swiss stock to determine the total value of their haul. Highest number wins! Wanna play again?